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Types of Kidney Disease

By Laminate Medical
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Kidney disease is generally categorized as one of 5 different types, based on the cause, level of damage to the kidneys and if the damage is permanent or reversible.

5 Types of Kidney Diseases

Acute Prerenal Kidney Failure

This type of kidney disease occurs when there is a sudden reduction in the blood flow to the kidney causing a loss of kidney function, an inability to filter waste products from the blood and an accumulation of toxins. Generally caused by injury, blood loss, dehydration, a variety of medications, or liver disease. Acute renal failure develops rapidly and can be fatal if not treated immediately. Permanent damage may be avoided if the condition is reversed quickly and blood flow restored.

Acute Intrinsic Kidney Failure

Reduced blood flow to the kidneys leads to tissue death and irreversible kidney failure. In most cases is caused by either vascular disease (such as acute glomerulonephritis and vasculitis), renal obstruction, ischemia (mainly due to blood loss, trauma or sepsis), toxins and medications (overdoses, a reaction to antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, radiocontrast dyes, ibuprofen and others), substance abuse (alcohol, cocaine), trauma or seizures.

Chronic prerenal kidney failure

Low blood flow to the kidneys cause the kidneys to atrophy resulting in a loss of kidney function and chronic renal failure. The most common causes include diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure), kidney injury, cancer and other renal /disease, atherosclerosis of the renal arteries and chronic liver failure.

Chronic intrinsic kidney failure

Long term damage to the kidneys due to an intrinsic kidney disease, causing sudden loss of kidney function. The common causes are acute tubular necrosis (injury to the filtering tubes in the kidneys, dues to either sepsis, surgery, direct injury, burns or misuse of substances), acute glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the blood vessels in the kidneys mainly due to immune diseases or infections) and acute interstitial nephritis (an inflammation of the kidneys usually caused by medication or by an infection).

Chronic post renal failure

A long-term obstruction of the urinary tract causing pressure, preventing urination and creating a buildup of waste in the kidneys. Conditions that may cause chronic post renal failure include kidney stones, an enlarged prostate, blood clots, cancer, medical conditions that don’t allow for complete emptying of the bladder such as MS, Parkinson’s disease, spinal cord injuries and others. While can be reversible if detected and treated early, is almost impossible to reverse once damage to the kidneys has occurred.

While kidney failure and end stage renal disease may sound ominous and bleak, the technology today is far advanced and able to allow for a long, fulfilling life.

Read more about technological advances in the treatment of end stage renal disease patients on Laminate Medical Technologies website.

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