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Bozzetto M, Soliveri L, Poloni S, Brambilla P, Curtò D, Condemi GC, Cefalì P, Spina I, Villa A, Caroli A, Remuzzi A. Arteriovenous fistula creation with VasQTM device: A feasibility study to reveal hemodynamic implications. J Vasc Access. 2022 Apr 22. Epub ahead of print.

Shahverdyan R, Hentschel DM. Achieving high maturation and cannulation rates of radial-cephalic arteriovenous fistulas with VasQ™ device. Semin Dial. 2022 Mar 7. Epub ahead of print.

Shahverdyan R, Tabbi P, Mestres G. Multicenter European real-world utilization of VasQ anastomotic external support device for arteriovenous fistulae. J Vasc Surg. 2022 Jan;75(1):248-254.

Leonardi G, Campagna M, Pellicanò V, Guarena C, Bergamo D, Lavacca A, Fop F, Biancone L. Implanted blood vessel external support device (VasQ™) for creation of hemodialysis arteriovenous fistula: A single-center experience. J Vasc Access. 2021 Jul;22(4):658-665.

Shahverdyan R, Meyer T, Matoussevitch V. Patency and functionality of radiocephalic arteriovenous fistulas with an external support device (VasQ™): Real-world single-center experience. J Vasc Access. 2021 Mar;22(2):166-172.

Benedetto F, Spinelli D, Derone G, Cutrupi A, Barillà D, Pipitò N. Initial single-center experience with a new external support device for the creation of the forearm native arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis. J Vasc Access. 2021 Mar 16. Epub ahead of print.

Karydis N, Bevis P, Beckitt T, Silverberg D, Halak M, Calder F. An Implanted Blood Vessel Support Device for Arteriovenous Fistulas: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Am J Kidney Dis. 2020;75(1):45–53.

Chemla E, Velazquez CC, D'Abate F, Ramachandran V, Maytham G. Arteriovenous fistula construction with the VasQ™ external support device: a pilot study. J Vasc Access. 2016;17(3):243–248.